Personal Opinion

Let’s Talk about “Rich Man’s Frug”

My junior year of high school, my dance team competed with a number derived from Fosse’s “Rich Man’s Frug” chorus number featured in Sweet Charity. My choreographer and jazz teacher used the opportunity to delve into some dance history, and we studied Fosse for the entire season. We spent hours upon hours working on our “egg hands” so that all 8 dancers would showcase complete synchronicity in respect for the extreme attention to detail showcased in Fosse’s choreography.

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Studying “Rich Man’s Frug” and Bob Fosse’s choreography in high school had me falling head over heels in love with jazz. My appreciation for gestures grew, an affinity I observe in my own choreographic tendencies today. The work also grew my ability to quickly navigate choreography with an eye for the smallest detail. I had not previously been exposed to such a specific and relevant piece of dance history in my own practice, and I loved being able to connect stylistic choices I had encountered in other choreography to Fosse’s influence. I think it will forever be one of the favorite pieces I ever performed!

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